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Employment Issues

Hello guys! 

I will discuss some options regarding employment on some scale of what priorities will I choose in determining the job, I will sort the employment issues from the most important to the least important ones.

1.       Salary
2.       Medical benefit
3.       Job security     
4.       Vacation pay
5.       Retirement/pansion plan
6.       Telecommunite days
7.       In house childcare
8.       Sick pay
9.       Schedule Flexiblility
10.   Disability benefit                                                    

            For me the most important things in career choice are salary and medical benefits, Because people work for money and medical benefits will help us, cause there are a lot of family’s expenditure as household needs. and if your family is sick, we aren’t need to pay our hospital bill.  Then vacation is important for your healthy because we are work too much
           About the scale of the middle priority that I choose Retirement/pansion plan I work also to fulfill my future when I can not work anymore, this pension plan can also be one Investment for the future
           For the last, I chose this also because I do not want anything to happen to me, Especially if I have an accident at work and I have a disability, I want the company to give me a guarantee
            Now, I will discuss about the problems that exist in the world of work, how to solve it and the ideal working situation
The first problem commonly experienced by someone who has worked in the world of work is the problem of "cooperation" I have met with some people when I was working while filling in time before going to college, I worked with some people who have long worked there, there is a good , There is also somewhat indifferent, during my work there is one person who always help me in work, but there are also calculations in work, for example when I was recording orderan from branch and make bookkeeping, he still told me to take some items Requested by the branch, for the reason "he's been down the stairs taking the goods for the customer" that made me uncomfortable, because the lack of cooperation in working to make the job more difficult
And the way I solve that lack of co-operation, by the way I speak to that person, to be more cooperative because in this work requires sufficient cooperation to make the job lighter.
I think the ideal working situation comes from the surrounding environment, for example if we do not feel comfortable with our environment, we will not be free in work, we can not be creative or think in the work, so influential with something we do not be the maximum example Ideal work circle is, friends who can be invited cooperation.


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